Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Yogurt and Its Advantages

With the increasing number of enthusiasts in healthy lifestyle, its also affecting the trend of eating healthy foods. No wonder if consuming yogurt is now a trend and more preferred. There is so much benefits of yogurt for the body health. For example:

Help to Smooth your Digestion

Yogurt contains a good bacteria that can launch the digestive tract. These good bacteria are known as probiotics. The types of probiotics used in yogurt are Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus.

Yogurt can boost immunity, and help heal digestive infections. Because it contains less lactose, and more lactase, yogurt can also be used as a remedy for dealing with diarrhea.

Boost Your Immune

The good bacteria present in yogurt is also beneficial for boost your immune system. Good bacteria are able to keep the body from the attack of bad bacteria such as pathogens.

Strenghten Your Teeth

Lactic acid in yogurt could protect your teeth and gums from cavities. Consume yogurt as much as 2 ounces per day will help you to prevent several periodontal disease.

or please visit http://www.yummydairy.com/product/category/2/yoghurts for more information about benefits of yogurt

Not only the benefits just for the body, There are many other advantages of yogurt. Some of them are:

● Yogurt is easier to digest than milk. Lactose levels in yogurt are also less than milk. So people who are allergic to milk proteins or intolerant to lactose, can enjoy yogurt as a substitute.

● Yogurt also helps to nourish the colon. Yogurt contains lactobateria (a good bacterium that protects the colon), and calcium, a mineral that promotes colon and lowers colon cancer risk.

● Yogurt is a source of calcium. Consume 220 grams of yogurt to produce 450 mg of calcium, more than that of the same portion of milk.

● Yogurt is also a source of protein. Fresh yogurt contains 10-14 grams of protein every 220 grams, or about 20% of the protein that people need every day.

● Plain yogurt is much lower in calories, fat, and cholesterol. Make yogurt as a cookie dough to replace milk, margarine, or sour cream, for your waffle, pancake, or muffin recipes.

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